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Tooth Fairy Poems

    Mithing Tooth

    I'm having trouble thpeaking,
    thinthe I lotht my middle tooth.
    Jutht yethterday my tooth wath fine --
    today it wiggled loothe.

    At firtht I thought it thilly,
    when my tooth fell out today,
    But no one theems to underthtand
    a thingle word I thay.

    I athked my mom to clothe the door,
    she said "I cannot make it.
    The door does not like wearing clothes;
    it's happier when naked."

    I athked if I could have a mouthe,
    I promithed I would feed it,
    "Another mouth to feed?" she athked,
    "I'm certain we don't need it!"

    I wonder if you underthtand
    the thircumthtanthe I'm in.
    I told her I wath feeling thick.
    She thaid "you're looking thin."

    At latht she thaw how mad I wath,
    Ath if I may thtop breathing.
    She laughed and thaid she didn't mean it --
    She wath only teething.

    - Author Unknown

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